Counting passed/failed unit tests
Jacob Carlborg
doob at
Wed Oct 26 23:54:12 PDT 2011
On 2011-10-26 21:45, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> On Wednesday, October 26, 2011 21:28:10 Jacob Carlborg wrote:
>> Well, in my library, if an assert error is thrown in a block (passed to
>> the "it" method), the whole block is canceled and it will continue with
>> the next block. So it's up to the user how the asserts should be laid out.
> It would be disastrous IMHO to continue to run a unittest block after an
> assert failed - at least in the general case. Too often further assertions
> relied on the state assured by the one that failed, so further failures just
> confuse things and give you too much data to have to sift through. As it
> stands with the built-in unit testing faciliities, you can put each assertion
> in its own unittest block if you really want each assertion to run on its own
> (though until it's fixed so that further unittest blocks within the module run
> after the first failure in that module, it wouldn't do you any good).
> - Jonathan M Davis
My solution works now and if you want the whole unit test block to end
when an assert error is thrown that is possible too. Just call the "it"
method with a block once in a unit test block.
You can never convince me that the other solution is better as long as
it doesn't work.
/Jacob Carlborg
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