Counting passed/failed unit tests

Jonathan M Davis jmdavisProg at
Thu Oct 27 02:04:34 PDT 2011

On Thursday, October 27, 2011 08:54:12 Jacob Carlborg wrote:
> On 2011-10-26 21:45, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> > On Wednesday, October 26, 2011 21:28:10 Jacob Carlborg wrote:
> >> Well, in my library, if an assert error is thrown in a block (passed
> >> to
> >> the "it" method), the whole block is canceled and it will continue
> >> with
> >> the next block. So it's up to the user how the asserts should be laid
> >> out.> 
> > It would be disastrous IMHO to continue to run a unittest block after an
> > assert failed - at least in the general case. Too often further
> > assertions relied on the state assured by the one that failed, so
> > further failures just confuse things and give you too much data to have
> > to sift through. As it stands with the built-in unit testing
> > faciliities, you can put each assertion in its own unittest block if
> > you really want each assertion to run on its own (though until it's
> > fixed so that further unittest blocks within the module run after the
> > first failure in that module, it wouldn't do you any good).
> > 
> > - Jonathan M Davis
> My solution works now and if you want the whole unit test block to end
> when an assert error is thrown that is possible too. Just call the "it"
> method with a block once in a unit test block.
> You can never convince me that the other solution is better as long as
> it doesn't work.

The current solution works just fine if you want a unittest block to terminate 
after a single assertion failure (as it should IMHO). It's just the running of 
subsequent unittest blocks within a module which doesn't work.
And while I'd very much like it to work, I don't personally find it to be all 
that much of a problem.

- Jonathan M Davis

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