Congratulations to the D Team!

deadalnix deadalnix at
Wed Jul 11 10:47:40 PDT 2012

On 11/07/2012 19:32, Jakob Ovrum wrote:
> On Wednesday, 11 July 2012 at 15:59:21 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
>> If it cannot and should not be const, it isn't a comparison or an
>> equality test, it is another operation altogether that is performed.
> That's bullshit. You've seen the example I raised. How can you tell me
> it's not an equality test?

To be fair, I know nothing about LUA.

But you are talking here about discussing with another language, so, by 
definition, don't have the same semantic than D. You'll have to do 
unsafe things at jointures point in such case, I seems obvious to me.

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