Congratulations to the D Team!

Jakob Ovrum jakobovrum at
Wed Jul 11 10:58:53 PDT 2012

On Wednesday, 11 July 2012 at 17:47:41 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
> To be fair, I know nothing about LUA.

It's "Lua".

> But you are talking here about discussing with another 
> language, so, by definition, don't have the same semantic than 
> D.

This is irrelevant. The Lua API is a C library like any other.

Feel free to imagine that the example is one of a class mapping 
to data in a database, and the equality test includes accessing 
the database.

> You'll have to do unsafe things at jointures point in such 
> case, I seems obvious to me.

No, I don't have to do this, your assertion is baseless. The LuaD 
library is fairly complete (though there's still a lot of room 
for higher-level features), and the example posted works fine and 
will work fine for the time being because the aggregate is a 
struct, not a class, and will remain so. I don't have to subvert 
the type system in that module at all.

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