How multithreading works in hardware using D ==AND== difference b/w goroutine and threads in D

Paulo Pinto pjmlp at
Sun Nov 25 12:28:01 PST 2012

Am 25.11.2012 20:54, schrieb Sparsh Mittal:
>> In D's case, it depends. If you are making use of threading APIs
>> directly then you have 1:1 mapping to OS threads, but if you use actors
>> or std.parallelism module, then you have a N:1 mapping between tasks
>> and OS threads.
> Thanks a lot for your prompt reply.
> I am using: std.concurrency and core.thread. Then, I spawn threads as:
> spawn(&singleWorker, thisTid);
> So, would you tell which category (from what you told) my code falls into.

I that case you get 1:1 mapping to OS threads, if I am not mistaken.


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