Imports with versions

Jacob Carlborg doob at
Tue Oct 30 13:08:02 PDT 2012

On 2012-10-30 19:42, Paulo Pinto wrote:

> Not really.
> Let's say you compile everything fine, but on the deployment
> platform, some IT guy has the cool idea of changing some configuration
> settings.
> That change will have as side effect that some third party dependencies
> will now be matched to another version different than what was used by
> the package manager.

Again, then you haven't specified the dependencies correctly. If you 
just specify that "foo" depends on "bar" then you have only yourself to 
blame. You need to specify the exact version, i.e. "bar-1.2.3". If you 
cannot specify the exact version of an indirect dependency then you're 
not using a very good tools.

RubyGems together with Bundler is a great package manager. You specify 
the direct dependencies of your software and the tool will write down 
all dependencies, direct and indirect, in a "locked" file, including all 

When you deploy your software it will install and use the packages from 
the "locked" file. Your code cannot access any other dependencies that 
is not listed in the file.

> You'll spend a few hours trying to track down the issue, in case you
> forget about checking the dynamic resolution order.
> This is why Plan 9, Singularity and the Go guys are so much against
> dynamic linking.

One can always do stupid things, it can be quite hard to protect 
yourself from that. I mean, the IT guy can just replace your newly 
deployed application with a different version and no static linking in 
the world can help you there.

/Jacob Carlborg

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