Imports with versions

Paulo Pinto pjmlp at
Tue Oct 30 13:55:04 PDT 2012

On Tuesday, 30 October 2012 at 20:08:04 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
> On 2012-10-30 19:42, Paulo Pinto wrote:
>> Not really.
>> Let's say you compile everything fine, but on the deployment
>> platform, some IT guy has the cool idea of changing some 
>> configuration
>> settings.
>> That change will have as side effect that some third party 
>> dependencies
>> will now be matched to another version different than what was 
>> used by
>> the package manager.
> Again, then you haven't specified the dependencies correctly. 
> If you just specify that "foo" depends on "bar" then you have 
> only yourself to blame. You need to specify the exact version, 
> i.e. "bar-1.2.3". If you cannot specify the exact version of an 
> indirect dependency then you're not using a very good tools.

This cannot be enforced on runtime for most languages, that was 
why I was generalizing.

For example C and C++ require the programmer to do this, somehow.

Java requires you bundled something like OSGi with your 

 From the languages I have real project experience, only Groovy 
and .NET provide out of the box mechanisms for runtime 
validations given in the package manager.


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