Reference semantic ranges and algorithms (and std.random)

monarch_dodra monarchdodra at
Tue Sep 25 09:36:21 PDT 2012

On Tuesday, 25 September 2012 at 16:15:24 UTC, Joseph Rushton 
Wakeling wrote:
> On 18/09/12 17:05, monarch_dodra wrote:
>> As you can see from the ouput, that is not very random. That's 
>> just the "tip of
>> the iceberg". *Anything* in phobos that iterates on a range, 
>> such a fill,
>> filter, or whatever, will not advance the PRNG, arguably 
>> breaking it.
>> At best, a "global" PRNG will work, provided it is never ever 
>> passed as an
>> argument to a method.
> Just to note, we already have an existing problem with this in 
> Phobos, with the RandomSample functionality.  See:

Thank you for bringing it up. The problem is indeed as you said, 
and making the PRNGs references types fixes it.

I have a pretty well developed first iteration. I hope that by 
the end of next week, I'll have something to show.

Right now, I'm at a crossroad between:
*Inserting (requested) new features, (forced stack allocation, 
pre-initialized ranges for performance)
*Strictly no new features, for an eventual (easier) breaking 

The problem with inserting "workaround 'features'", is that you 
have to keep supporting even if it is not required anymore :p

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