Disable GC entirely
turkeyman at gmail.com
Mon Apr 8 02:30:48 PDT 2013
On 8 April 2013 18:56, Dicebot <m.strashun at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Monday, 8 April 2013 at 08:31:29 UTC, Manu wrote:
>> D for embedded, like PROPER embedded (microcontrollers, or even raspberry
>> pi maybe?) is one area where most users would be happy to use a custom
>> druntime like the ones presented earlier in this thread where it's
>> strategically limited in scope and designed not to allocate.
> Yes, this is one of important steps in solution and some good work has
> been already done on topic. Main issue is that it won't be any convenient
> unless second step is done - making core language/compiler more friendly to
> embedded needs so that you can both implement custom druntime AND have
> solid language. Ability to track/prohibit GC allocations is one part of
> this. Static array literals is another. Most likely you'll also need to
> disable RTTI like it is done in C++/Embedded projects I have seen so far.
> I have done quite a research on this topic and have a lot to say here :)
... so where's your dconf talk then? You can have one of my slots, I'm very
interested to hear all about it! ;)
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