Enhanced LALR(1) Parser Generator for D
Peter Williams
pwil3058 at bigpond.net.au
Tue Apr 9 19:28:34 PDT 2013
As an exercise to help me learn D, I've implemented an enhanced version
of the LALR(1) parser generator described in Aho, Sethi and Ullman's
dragon book. The enhancements include:
1. a built in lexical analyser (where a flex like pattern is required as
part of the definition of a token),
2. the ability to resolve reduce/reduce conflicts using predicates
attached to grammar rules (inspired by the work of Ganapathi and Fischer
in the 80s), and
3. for "literal" tokens the option of using the literal pattern in
grammar rules instead of the token name e.g. if you had a token named
LESSOREQUAL with the pattern "<=" then you can "<=" in grammar rules
instead of LESSOREQUAL.
The code for this tool resides in the dunnart repository at GitHub.
Unfortunately, at this stage, the documentation is not very good but a
small example that illustrates all features is attached.
As I said at the start, this was an exercise in learning D so there may
be room for improvement in some of the code. Suggestions are welcome.
-------------- next part --------------
import std.stdio;
double[string] variables;
enum Errors { undefinedVariables = 1, divideByZero = 2, syntaxError = 3 };
uint errors;
void report_errors()
auto report = "Errors:";
if (errors & Errors.undefinedVariables) {
report ~= " \"Undefined Variables\"";
if (errors & Errors.divideByZero) {
report ~= " \"Divide by Zero\"";
if (errors & Errors.syntaxError) {
report ~= " \"Syntax Errors\"";
%field double value
%field string id
%token EOL (\n)
%token PLUS "+"
%token MINUS "-"
%token TIMES "*"
%token DIVIDE "/"
%token ASSIGN "="
%token <value> NUMBER ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+){0,1})
%token <id> ID ([a-zA-Z]+)
%token LPR "("
%token RPR ")"
%skip ([\t\r ]+)
%right UMINUS
%left EOL
line: setup expr ?(errors > 0?) !{report_errors();!}
| setup expr !{writeln($2.value);!}
| setup ID "=" expr ?(errors == 0?) !{variables[$2.id] = $4.value;!}
| setup ID "=" expr !{report_errors();!}
| line EOL line
| line EOL
setup: !{errors = 0;!}.
expr: expr "+" expr ?($1.value == 0?) !{$$.value = $3.value;!}
| expr "+" expr ?($3.value == 0?) !{$$.value = $1.value;!}
| expr "+" expr !{$$.value = $1.value + $3.value;!}
| expr "-" expr ?($1.value == 0?) !{$$.value = -$3.value;!}
| expr "-" expr ?($3.value == 0?) !{$$.value = $1.value;!}
| expr "-" expr !{$$.value = $1.value - $3.value;!}
| expr "*" expr ?($1.value == 0 || $3.value == 0?) !{$$.value = -$3.value;!}
| expr "*" expr ?($1.value == 1?) !{$$.value = $3.value;!}
| expr "*" expr ?($3.value == 1?) !{$$.value = $1.value;!}
| expr "*" expr !{$$.value = $1.value * $3.value;!}
| expr "/" expr ?($3.value == 1?) !{$$.value = $1.value;!}
| expr "/" expr ?($3.value == 0?) !{errors |= Errors.divideByZero;!}
| expr "/" expr ?($1.value == 0?) !{$$.value = 0;!}
| expr "/" expr !{$$.value = $1.value / $3.value;!}
| "(" expr ")" !{$$.value = $2.value;!}
| "-" expr %prec UMINUS !{$$.value = $2.value;!}
| NUMBER !{$$.value = $1.value;!}
| ID ?($1.id in variables?) !{$$.value = variables[$1.id];!}
| ID !{errors |= Errors.undefinedVariables; $$.value = 0;!}
| %error !{errors |= Errors.syntaxError;!}
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