Ideas for a brand new widget toolkit

Jonas Drewsen nospam4321 at
Thu Aug 15 13:09:31 PDT 2013

I've been tinkering with a GUI framework in D myself to use in my 
own project. This is how it looks:

* OpenGL

* FreeType for glyphs

* Text layout engine inspired by Qt

* Widget layout inspired by OSX

* SDL for input - would be awesome to get rid of this by using 
some of AdamRuppes work maybe.

* Animations (by using CTFE)(The youtube video is laggy, it looks 
smooth on the machine). I've done this in C++ before and D rocks 

Project layout:

It is Work In Progress but ping me if anyone would like partner 
up on this. I'm open to radical changes and redesigns... whatever 
it takes to make it awesome.

I does require a bit of work to separate it out and put it on 
github so therefore I'm not posting a link to the source before 
someone is interested.


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