Are there any default dmd optimizations
foo at
Wed Feb 27 02:01:29 PST 2013
On Wednesday, 27 February 2013 at 00:01:31 UTC, Andrei
Alexandrescu wrote:
> I understand how you see it, and honestly could see it from a
> mile. When a post (a) cherry-picks all negatives and (b) has a
> final tone that mentions no possible solution - it's a foregone
> conclusion that no amount of explaining, amending, arguing,
> etc. will improve the poster's outlook.
> I could say e.g. "Well I think things have changed, and look
> we've turned the bug trend curve ( which is
> unprecedented, fixed some incomplete features, break new
> records on bug fixes with each release, and have a big
> conference coming." - to which I have no doubt it's possible to
> concoct a negative answer.
> So I understand you have a negative outlook on D. That's
> entirely fine, as is mentioning it on the forum. The only thing
> I'd like you to understand and appreciate is that we who work
> on D are doing our best to find solutions to the various
> problems in front of us, and in quite a literal sense we don't
> know how to do any better. The constructive thing I'm getting
> out of this is that we could use some more radicalization - try
> things that push stronger against our comfort zone. I have a
> few in mind but it's too early to discuss them publicly.
> Andrei
Let me emphasize again, I did *not* intend to discuss the
specific features, Walter brought that topic up. I intended to
point out the lack of good general guidelines for the D design
process. And i did actually mention one (partial) solution. I
mean no disrespect to the hard work of the contributers and did
not wish to discourage them, just to prevent wasted effort due to
lack of proper guidelines.
The other criticism I have is exactly the last paragraph above.
Rust is designed in the open and so I can read the weekly minutes
and get the bigger picture of the design process, what are the
different proposed alternatives, what are the considerations and
trade-offs, etc. In D on the other hand, it's all closed. D
claims that it is an open source project but all the major design
decisions happen personally between you and Walter and this is
worse than big company languages that at least publish some
articles online.
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