Are there any default dmd optimizations
Andrei Alexandrescu
SeeWebsiteForEmail at
Wed Feb 27 05:29:10 PST 2013
On 2/27/13 5:01 AM, foobar wrote:
> Let me emphasize again, I did *not* intend to discuss the specific
> features, Walter brought that topic up. I intended to point out the lack
> of good general guidelines for the D design process. And i did actually
> mention one (partial) solution. I mean no disrespect to the hard work of
> the contributers and did not wish to discourage them, just to prevent
> wasted effort due to lack of proper guidelines.
I agree we should have a more organized process.
> The other criticism I have is exactly the last paragraph above. Rust is
> designed in the open and so I can read the weekly minutes and get the
> bigger picture of the design process, what are the different proposed
> alternatives, what are the considerations and trade-offs, etc.
> In D on
> the other hand, it's all closed. D claims that it is an open source
> project but all the major design decisions happen personally between you
> and Walter and this is worse than big company languages that at least
> publish some articles online.
Four years ago I would've entirely agreed. But right now it's an odd
comment to make seeing as we're discussing all major decisions in this
group and we're switching full-bore to DIPs.
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