TDD is BS?

deadalnix deadalnix at
Wed Jun 19 09:04:54 PDT 2013

On Wednesday, 19 June 2013 at 11:01:05 UTC, Szymon Gatner wrote:
> This is not strictly D related but I am very curious about D's 
> community opinion on the points made by non other than Jim 
> Coplien here:
> D is the only language (that I am aware of) that has first 
> class unit testing support. What do you think? Do we really 
> just "mentally masturbate"?
> Article about the myths of TDD referenced in the talk:

 From experience, unitests are various return depending on the 
code. Some code is easily testable and the ROI is high, some code 
is just hard to automatically test.

On the code that is unittest compliant, I notice a very low 
number of bugs (actually close to 0 defect) when I do proper 
unittesting. Sadly, all code isn't like that.

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