Had another 48hr game jam this weekend...

Jonathan M Davis jmdavisProg at gmx.com
Sun Sep 1 23:03:33 PDT 2013

On Monday, September 02, 2013 06:59:00 Iain Buclaw wrote:
> Guess it also depends on what version of gdb you use too I guess, as iirc D
> support I described came in at around 7.4 release.

I recall it being 7.2, but it's been a while since I tried D with gdb, so I 
don't know. And it may have improved quite a bit since the last time I tried 
(it's probably been well over a year now since I tried it with anything other 
than tracking down a segfault). Part of my problem is that I'm so used to 
using printf debugging now that I don't even think about using a proper 
debugger even when I should. I usually only end up using a debugger when I 
have no other choice (which is not the best of habits).

> If you are a gdc 4.8 user of course, you would have gdb 7.5 at least (as it
> doesn't work with earlier gdb versions).  And current development would
> recommend gdb 7.6
> Have you given cgdb a try?  It's a curses front end to gdb, I added D
> syntax highlighting support a while ago for.  :)

I recall running into cgdb in the Arch repo and thinking of checking it out, 
but I don't recall if I did anything beyond install it. I'll have to make sure 
that I check it out some time soon.

- Jonathan M Davis

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