Had another 48hr game jam this weekend...
Iain Buclaw
ibuclaw at ubuntu.com
Sun Sep 1 23:13:20 PDT 2013
On 2 September 2013 07:03, Jonathan M Davis <jmdavisProg at gmx.com> wrote:
> On Monday, September 02, 2013 06:59:00 Iain Buclaw wrote:
>> Guess it also depends on what version of gdb you use too I guess, as iirc D
>> support I described came in at around 7.4 release.
> I recall it being 7.2, but it's been a while since I tried D with gdb, so I
> don't know. And it may have improved quite a bit since the last time I tried
> (it's probably been well over a year now since I tried it with anything other
> than tracking down a segfault). Part of my problem is that I'm so used to
> using printf debugging now that I don't even think about using a proper
> debugger even when I should. I usually only end up using a debugger when I
> have no other choice (which is not the best of habits).
Yep, that's probably the one... I think the main problem around that
time was that dmd still emitted D arrays as longs. So of course you
won't get any useful information from gdb. Giving 2.064 development a
whirl, I see that it has now switched to emitting D arrays as structs
so it strings (and other types of D arrays) should show up with no
problem when debugging code generated by dmd.
>> If you are a gdc 4.8 user of course, you would have gdb 7.5 at least (as it
>> doesn't work with earlier gdb versions). And current development would
>> recommend gdb 7.6
>> Have you given cgdb a try? It's a curses front end to gdb, I added D
>> syntax highlighting support a while ago for. :)
> I recall running into cgdb in the Arch repo and thinking of checking it out,
> but I don't recall if I did anything beyond install it. I'll have to make sure
> that I check it out some time soon.
I'd recommending checking out the latest development on github, as it
includes some minor fixes to properly highlighting binary numbers,
numbers with optional exponent, wysiwyg string literals r"...", hex
strings x"...", and string postfixes that were added after the 0.6.7
Iain Buclaw
*(p < e ? p++ : p) = (c & 0x0f) + '0';
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