Worrying attitudes to the branding of the D language
via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Wed Jul 2 01:00:58 PDT 2014
On Wednesday, 2 July 2014 at 07:44:14 UTC, w0rp wrote:
> Thanks! Is there a chance you could upload the SVG somewhere I
> can download it? I tried copy and pasting the XML into a file
> and loading that, but I messed something up somewhere and it
> came out looking very wrong.
My fault, it was late at night and I did a cut'n'paste from emacs
that retained the "\" at the line-wrapping. This should work in
your browser. You can tweak the location of the circles using cx,
cy, and stretch the "D" using scale(), and move it using
translate(). The viewBox should probably be redefined to be
The cool thing about having it inlined is that you can animate
the colour of each element using CSS (like having the circles
fade in first).
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>D logo test</title>
<div style="background:#800;padding:10px;">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" viewBox="0
0 36 25" style="fill:#fff;">
<circle cx="27.2" cy="8.7" r="5.8"/>
<circle cx="34.1" cy="2.4" r="1.9"/>
<path transform="scale(1 -1.04)translate(0 -31)" d="M
0.745,6.162 C 0.3725,6.162 0,6.534 0,6.907 L 0,29.255 C 0,29.63
0.37,30 0.745,30 L 10.057,30 C 21.6,30 26.445,24.04 26.45,17.92
26.45,11.8 21.59,6.17 10,6.16 L 0.74,6.16 z M 5.59,10.63
11.92,10.63 C 15.64,10.6 20.86,13.24 20.86,18.08 20.86,22.92
15.64,25.53 11.92,25.53 L 5.59,25.53 5.59,10.63 z"/>
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