Worrying attitudes to the branding of the D language
w0rp via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Wed Jul 2 01:27:04 PDT 2014
On Wednesday, 2 July 2014 at 08:00:59 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad
> On Wednesday, 2 July 2014 at 07:44:14 UTC, w0rp wrote:
>> Thanks! Is there a chance you could upload the SVG somewhere I
>> can download it? I tried copy and pasting the XML into a file
>> and loading that, but I messed something up somewhere and it
>> came out looking very wrong.
> My fault, it was late at night and I did a cut'n'paste from
> emacs that retained the "\" at the line-wrapping. This should
> work in your browser. You can tweak the location of the circles
> using cx, cy, and stretch the "D" using scale(), and move it
> using translate(). The viewBox should probably be redefined to
> be tighter.
> The cool thing about having it inlined is that you can animate
> the colour of each element using CSS (like having the circles
> fade in first).
> <!DOCTYPE html>
> <title>D logo test</title>
> <div style="background:#800;padding:10px;">
> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1"
> viewBox="0 0 36 25" style="fill:#fff;">
> <circle cx="27.2" cy="8.7" r="5.8"/>
> <circle cx="34.1" cy="2.4" r="1.9"/>
> <path transform="scale(1 -1.04)translate(0 -31)" d="M
> 0.745,6.162 C 0.3725,6.162 0,6.534 0,6.907 L 0,29.255 C 0,29.63
> 0.37,30 0.745,30 L 10.057,30 C 21.6,30 26.445,24.04 26.45,17.92
> 26.45,11.8 21.59,6.17 10,6.16 L 0.74,6.16 z M 5.59,10.63
> 11.92,10.63 C 15.64,10.6 20.86,13.24 20.86,18.08 20.86,22.92
> 15.64,25.53 11.92,25.53 L 5.59,25.53 5.59,10.63 z"/>
> </svg>
> </div>
Ah, thank you. I think that looks pretty good.
I know what you're saying about drawing gradients being a bit
slow. I tried using a linear gradient in the background coming
out from the logo, so it looked a bit like light reflecting from
a Martian moon or something, but it very negatively impacted the
smoothness of scrolling through a page on every browser I tried.
Rasterising the logo to fit a gradient in like the current logo I
think is an acceptable option though. It stays at one fixed size
pretty much.
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