Bug or Feature? compile error: to!string(const Object)

via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Wed Jul 2 06:18:12 PDT 2014

On Wednesday, 2 July 2014 at 11:33:56 UTC, Wanderer wrote:
> On Wednesday, 2 July 2014 at 09:24:39 UTC, Jonathan M Davis via 
> Digitalmars-d wrote:
>> The ~ operator has nothing to do with toString. Strings are 
>> arrays, and ~
>> works with arrays already. ~ doesn't work with Object and will 
>> only work with
>> user-defined types which define opBinary!"~". The only thing 
>> that removing
>> toString from Object will affect would be the ability to call 
>> toString on
>> Object directly instead of on a reference of a derived class 
>> type, which
>> really doesn't lose much, since it's arguably a horrible idea 
>> to be passing
>> Object around anyway. All of the code in druntime and Phobos 
>> which deals with
>> toString is already templated, so it doesn't need to operate 
>> on Object
>> directly and doesn't need toString to be on Object, just on 
>> the derived types
>> that a program declares.
>> Having toString, opEquals, opCmp, and toHash on Object is 
>> fundamentally broken
>> in the face of const, @safe, nothrow, etc. because we're 
>> forced to either put
>> the attributes on them or not. If we put them on them, then 
>> those functions
>> are restricted by those attributes, which is unacceptable in 
>> many cases (e.g.
>> a class which lazily loads its members would not work with a 
>> const opEquals),
>> and if we don't put those attributes on them (as is currently 
>> the case), then
>> you can't do things like have call toString on a const object.
>> Given the power of D's templates, we do not need to put 
>> opEquals, toString,
>> opCmp, or toHash on Object. Languages like Java and C# are 
>> forced to, because
>> they do not have proper templates and thus have to use Object 
>> directly in many
>> cases. We do not have that problem, and putting those 
>> functions on Object is a
>> mistake from early in D's design that we need to correct in 
>> order to be able
>> to use @safe, const, nothrow, etc. with classes correctly.
>> - Jonathan M Davis
> "~" operator has to do with toString(), because it performs 
> string concatenation (at least documentation says so) and 
> toString() is the common way to convert arbitrary object into a 
> string.
> Having ~ operator implemented the way you explained - via 
> opBinary!"~" in each class and not in Object class - looks like 
> a bad idea to me

This is not what's going to happen. opBinary!"~" doesn't need to 
be implemented in each class then any more than it needs to be 
now. It's only strictly about `toString` and the other methods 
Jonathan mentions, nothing else will be affected.

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