Bug or Feature? compile error: to!string(const Object)
via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Wed Jul 2 06:30:54 PDT 2014
On Wednesday, 2 July 2014 at 11:33:56 UTC, Wanderer wrote:
> On Wednesday, 2 July 2014 at 09:24:39 UTC, Jonathan M Davis via
> Digitalmars-d wrote:
> "Languages like Java and C# are forced to, because they do not
> have proper templates and thus have to use Object directly in
> many cases."
> That's not exactly true. The main reason why Object class has
> these methods, is the ability to define general contracts for
> these methods. For example, Object defines once and for all
> that toString() returns String representing object's contents,
> or that equals() and hashCode() results comply with each other.
> If you remove these methods from Object, you will dispense
> these contracts as well, forcing programmers to implement these
> methods in least predictable way. That will cause chaos.
No, it won't. The standard way to convert an object to a string
is calling `std.conv.to`. This is a templated function that's
capable of inspecting the type it's passed. If the type has a
`toString` method (as is currently the case for Object and
descendants), it will be used. If not (e.g. for structs that
don't define `toString`), it has a default implementation that
lists the fields:
struct StructWithToString {
int x, y;
string toString() const {
return "I'm a struct.";
struct StructWithoutToString {
int x, y;
void main() {
import std.stdio;
import std.conv : to;
StructWithToString s1;
StructWithoutToString s2;
I'm a struct.
StructWithoutToString(0, 0)
This default formatting can easily be extended to objects (if it
doesn't work already). And for opEquals/toHash, there can be a
default implementation too, if this is considered useful (I
believe it is already provided for structs).
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