Finally full multidimensional arrays support in D

Denis Shelomovskij verylonglogin.reg at
Mon Mar 17 14:55:31 PDT 2014

17.03.2014 21:39, Denis Shelomovskij пишет:
> Multidimensional arrays indexing and slicing syntax is finally added [1]
> (thanks to Kenji Hara). So it was a good cause to update my
> multidimensional arrays library implementation and add support for the
> new syntax. So here we are: [2].
> Also should we add it to the standard library?
> [1]
> [2]

An important note:
My proposal is just a sliceable multidimensional array implementation, a 
try to provide the same effort we have for simple arrays for 
multidimensional ones. It isn't aimed to be a dedicated matrix / linear 
algebra module.

Денис В. Шеломовский
Denis V. Shelomovskij

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