Finally full multidimensional arrays support in D

Denis Shelomovskij verylonglogin.reg at
Thu Mar 20 02:35:37 PDT 2014

18.03.2014 1:35, Christof Schardt пишет:
> I looked to the doku-page and expected to see, how some basic
> matrix-operations could be performed.
> Like e.g. (basic syntax) this:
>   Dim  a(10,12)
>   a(3,4) = 7
>   a(i,j) = a(j,i) * 12
> Instead I found exotic assignments and calculations.
> Did I expect the wrong thing?

Sorry for that. Do you mead there is a lack of simple indexing examples 
or lack of some matrix functionality? The latter case is if you meant 
"transpose and multiply by 12" with `a(i,j) = a(j,i) * 12`.

Денис В. Шеломовский
Denis V. Shelomovskij

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