Programming Language for Games, part 3

Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Tue Nov 4 02:21:59 PST 2014

On Tuesday, 4 November 2014 at 00:51:10 UTC, H. S. Teoh via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 03, 2014 at 04:29:17PM -0800, Walter Bright via 
> Digitalmars-d wrote:
>> On 11/3/2014 10:03 AM, Nick Treleaven wrote:
>> >On 02/11/2014 20:33, Walter Bright wrote:
>> >>It's simply not workable to put a wall between them. Every 
>> >>proposal
>> >>for it has entailed various unfortunate, ugly, and arbitrary
>> >>consequences.
>> >
>> >We need warnings like gcc has:
>> >
>> >"-Wsign-compare
>> >     Warn when a comparison between signed and unsigned 
>> > values could
>> >     produce an incorrect result when the signed value is 
>> > converted
>> >     to unsigned.
>> >
>> >-Wconversion
>> >     Warn for implicit conversions that may alter a value. 
>> > This
>> >     includes ... conversions between signed and unsigned, 
>> > like
>> >     unsigned ui = -1 ... Warnings about conversions between 
>> > signed
>> >     and unsigned integers can be disabled by using
>> >     -Wno-sign-conversion.
>> >"
>> I find these to suffer from the same problems as all the 
>> proposals to
>> "fix" the issue - they motivate the user to "fix" them with
>> unfortunate, ugly, and arbitrary consequences.
>> We need to be very careful with the idea of "just add a 
>> warning".
>> Warnings are a sure sign of wishy-washy language design where 
>> the
>> designers cannot make up their mind, so they dump it on the 
>> user. One
>> person's warning become another person's must fix, and the 
>> language
>> becomes balkanized, which is not good for portability,
>> comprehensibility, and best practices.
> [...]
> Don't add a warning, just make it outright illegal to assign 
> signed to
> unsigned and vice versa unless an explicit cast is given. Code 
> that
> *needs* to assign signed to unsigned *should* be 
> self-documented with a
> cast indicating a reinterpretation of the bit representation of 
> the
> value, and code that *unintentionally* mixes signs is buggy and
> therefore *should* result in a compile error so that the 
> programmer can
> fix the problem.
> There are no "unfortunate", "ugly", or "arbitrary" consequences 
> here.
> Much like the recent (or not-so-recent) change of prohibiting 
> implicit
> conversion of a pointer to bool in an if-condition, or the 
> requirement
> of a default case in a non-final switch, or so many other 
> improvements
> in D over C/C++, such a change will (1) make problematic code 
> an error
> so that it will get fixed, and (2) force users to rewrite
> non-problematic code to be more self-documenting so that their 
> intent is
> clearer. Sounds like a win-win situation to me.
Simply change the comparison to something that always works:

/// Returns negative value if a < b, 0 if they are equal or 
positive value if a > b.
/// This will always yield a correct result, no matter which 
integral types are compared.
/// It uses one extra comparison operation if and only if
/// one type is signed and the other unsigned but has bigger max.
/// For comparison with floating point values the buildin
/// operations have no problem, so we don't handle them here.
C opCmp(T, U)(const(T) a, const(U) b) pure @safe @nogc nothrow 
if(isIntegral!T && isIntegral!U)
    alias Signed!CommonType!(T, U) C;
    static if(isSigned!T && isUnsigned!U && T.sizeof <= U.sizeof)
       return (b > cast(U)T.max) ? -1 : cast(C)a - cast(C)b;
    else static if(isUnsigned!T && isSigned!U && T.sizeof >= 
       return (a > cast(T)U.max) ? 1 : cast(C)a - cast(C)b;
    else // both signed or both unsigned or the unsigned type is 
smaller and can therefore be safely cast to the signed type
       return cast(C)a - cast(C)b;

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