[OT] unbelievable: #ifdef _OTHER_LIB_H
Joakim via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Wed Nov 26 22:50:59 PST 2014
On Wednesday, 26 November 2014 at 21:02:20 UTC, H. S. Teoh via
Digitalmars-d wrote:
> <soapbox> This is one of the reasons I've completely given up
> on the
> whole "desktop metaphor" movement. It has become all glitz and
> no
> substance IMNSHO; all about this font vs. that font rather than
> actually
> solving real problems. Give me ratpoison and a bare terminal
> emulator
> any day, and my productivity gets boosted 300%. Even when I'm
> using
> Windows, that purportedly sports "better" UI design than Linux,
> I find
> myself spending more time fighting with the UI than actually
> getting
> anything done. The GUI emperor has no clothes, and I'm calling
> BS on the
> whole movement! </soapbox>
That's because GUIs are not aimed at highly technical power users
like you, but for most people, who don't want to memorize a bunch
of technical commands and barely know how to type. They would be
much slower with ratpoison and a terminal than you are with a
GUI. ;) Touch similarly brought computing to a billion more
people, while taking another step backwards in interaction
bandwidth from the desktop GUI. The cruder you make the tool,
the easier it is for people to grasp.
However, I'm looking forward to voice recognition and some sort
of hand gesture input becoming the dominant interfaces in the
coming years. Those will be even easier to use than anything so
far, and could be much faster than even your current
keyboard-driven software.
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