D for Game Development

Tofu Ninja via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Wed Aug 5 17:05:32 PDT 2015

On Thursday, 30 July 2015 at 13:43:35 UTC, karabuta wrote:
> D is really cool and makes a good candidate for developing a 
> game. Are there any guys out there using D for indie games?
> For some time I have been seeing some cool game engine being 
> developed in the DUB repo. What more is happening? I don't see 
> derelictSDl and derelictSFML activities much. Whatup?

One thing I would really like for D would be an opengl binding in 
phobos, there was some momentum a while ago to try to get 
graphics into phobos with Aurora, but literally nothing came of 
that. People want an all D gui, and graphics support but 
literally nothing will ever happen until we at least get some 
basic graphics interfaces like a simple windowing library and 
some opengl. We are already getting color and images, full on hw 
supported graphics is the next step.

Also a thing I would really like is if all the new graphics 
related things went into a std.graphics, it would be nice if it 
was std.graphics.color, std.graphics.image, std.graphics.opengl, 
std.graphics.window, std.graphics.gui, ect...

That and some simple linear alg into phobos, gl3n pls?

We literally have most of the needed parts already just laying 
around on dub and in other places.

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