new release doesn't work as advertised

learn via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Thu Aug 13 15:12:16 PDT 2015

On Thursday, 13 August 2015 at 21:04:53 UTC, bachmeier wrote:
> My comment was about the limited resources of this community. 
> If there are false statements about VS 2015 support, then they 
> should be corrected. And if you feel that VS 2015 support is a 
> must, then it is entirely reasonable to not use D.
> I was responding to what I felt was a harsh response by Tofu 
> Ninja. IMO it is not realistic to think that any developer can 
> sit down and use his preferred setup without any rough edges. 
> It comes with writing D code. Others have told you that the 
> problem is being fixed, told you how you can still use VS, and 
> I don't see what more they should have done.

i am sorry if have been to harsh and - i have no problems with 
"rough edges" - but that also means, that the overall thingy IS 


running on windows, i need the headers and is not only a VS issue 
- and then - i will have also the painful task to connect to my 
old code or be willing to port old code and that with seemingly 
(unknown to me yet) bad (multi D) dll support on windows.

i know about rough edges - i used assembler half my life, i wrote 
the programs for my dissertation with walter's zortech c++ 
compiler (it had just came out - rough edges at the time) and 
having said that, i kind of feel old (walter is surely alot 
younger - but then the hair??).

never the less, if you promise something - do at least the QS 
necessary to keep the overall promise, with, may be the rough 
edges included. But that does not include that it doesn't work, - 
that it doesn't have the needed headers and donn’t suggest that 
others (developers on D) care more for just one OS which isn’t 
necessarily windows.

don't knowingly steel the time of people (bad QS is 
knowing/intent), just tell them what is and what is not - rough 
edges included. they might still go for D - just for that reason 
and that is an opportunity.

one last remark:

a lot of times the old(er) people are the ones who decide about 
using the rough edges or not. they take a risks that might be the 
situation D needs. but D is missing QS? lost of it?   give your 

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