new release doesn't work as advertised

rumbu via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Thu Aug 13 15:15:46 PDT 2015

On Thursday, 13 August 2015 at 20:30:35 UTC, learn wrote:
> btw - i still want to use D in VS 2015 only.

You can use D in VS 2015 for building standard 32 bit 
executables. Trying to build mscoff executables (32 or 64 bit) 
will lead to various errors like the one you posted. You can 
easily fix the paths in sc.ini, but this will lead to other 
linking errors, because MS has changed the C std libs in VS 2015.

Uncheck "Use MS-COFF object file format..." in Project 
Configuration/Compiler/Output and use x86 as platform target in 
Visual Studio and it should work fine.

Anyway, adapting D toolchain to VS2015/Win10 is work in progress, 
probably the next version will fully support VS2015:

Note to the "Warmest Welcome Group Ever": I'm also using only 
VS2015 on my tablet, I don't have enough space to keep 2 VS 

And an extract from the installation page:

"... The generated object code is in MS-COFF and is meant to be 
used with the Microsoft Visual Studio 10 or *later* compiler"."

Not later than Visual Studio 13.

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