Where will D sit in the web service space?

via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Wed Jul 15 02:05:06 PDT 2015

On Wednesday, 15 July 2015 at 08:43:53 UTC, rsw0x wrote:
> I actuallly don't think low latency GCs are that great for 
> gamedev because they not only have far lower throughput, but 
> reduce the overall performance of the application.

What I meant was:

1. Low latency GC are good for responsive web services that keep 
evolving over time. Makes development easy.

2. Linear typing is good for  focused low memory 
usage/computational demanding web services.  Makes memory related 
mistakes difficult/impossible.

It will probably take years to work either alternative into D. 

3. A simpler memory model (like C++) is more realistic, but not 
really attractive for a web service as it is less robust. Yet, 
many game devs are used to it.

So maybe Weaselcat is right in saying that gamedev is the better 
"sizeable market" that D could aim for.

That was my point ;)

> A high throughput GC that could complete in a few frames would 
> probably be better, IMO.

Yes, I think one only need a local GC for gameworld 
objects/NPCs/AI/scripting, so a GC could be limited to a specific 
graph/allocator right after execution when the memory is hot 
(programmer guaranteeing that there are no unregistered external 
pointers). It could indeed complete quickly for many game worlds.

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