The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
ketmar via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Tue Aug 9 00:30:12 PDT 2016
On Tuesday, 9 August 2016 at 07:18:59 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> it often seems like it's the worst languages which get used the
> most. :(
yeah. i tend to believe that laguage quality itself doesn't
really matter much. to become popular, language should either has
no alternative (javascript in browsers, php as "easy to write
web"), or some big corp to market it (go, java).
and in all those cases language will not be spectacular, for many
reasons. mediocre at best.
risking to being harsh/rude here, i'd say that if someone is
judging laguage by some kind of "popularity" instead of technical
reasons, such person should better go to some "popular language".
because i bet that he/she will do that anyway, 'cause "walking
with the crowd" means much more than technical superiority in
this case.
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