std.experimental.checkedint is ready for comments!
tsbockman via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Thu Jun 16 07:33:09 PDT 2016
On Thursday, 16 June 2016 at 06:55:00 UTC, lobo wrote:
> Has this work/design been submitted as a DIP? I cannot find it.
> I thought all Phobos additions of any magnitude were required
> to pass the DIP submission first in order to avoid this sort of
> situation. If there is a DIP that was accepted then to have it
> knocked back now would suck.
> Without a DIP you have to expect the design could be turned
> down by any core developer when they first get the opportunity
> to review it, no matter how long after the work was initiated.
> bye,
> lobo
My observation has been that the DIP process is not followed, in
practice. The DIP for this project (which I did not start; I
merely continued @burner's work) is actually the same one as that
of the recently accepted `ndslice`:
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