Exceptions in @nogc code

Shachar Shemesh via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Sun Apr 9 00:56:08 PDT 2017

On 09/04/17 00:35, Christophe wrote:

> My dog ate my homework.
> deadalnix's a genius of marketing. He has no product, all he invested
> was a couple afternoons in newsgroup posts edging on rants. It's
> impossible to convert the incomplete ideas that he throws over the fence
> into spec and code. But he sells them as the perfect product. That the
> posts are incomplete and unclear helps because whatever problem has a
> solution in the future. What amazes me is he still grabs the attention
> of newbies in the forum.

It seems to me you are posting this after the homework have already been 
found. To me, said homework even seem to have merit, though I 
acknowledge you might disagree.

Personally, I think keeping things about the proposals rather than about 
the person would be more beneficial to the language at large.


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