Garbage Collection and gamedev - tl;dr Yes we want it, so let's solve it

Paulo Pinto pjmlp at
Tue Dec 1 08:46:06 UTC 2020

On Friday, 27 November 2020 at 22:24:05 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grostad 
> On Friday, 27 November 2020 at 22:02:43 UTC, Guillaume Piolat 
> wrote:
>> [...]
> Focused frameworks are good if they are written to coexist with 
> others. I guess a framework has more of a runtime/service feel 
> to it than a library? I guess service might be a useful term. 
> It signals that you have a clean separation/encapsulation, not 
> too fragmented interface.
> The library approach might be flexible, but harder to learn as 
> you get more parts, less encapsulation and basically end up 
> spending too much time reading docs/tutorials. I rember the 
> first time I opened a window on X-windows. 800 lines. Waaaayyyy 
> too flexible.
>> [...]
> Yes, good libraries and frameworks usually distill patterns 
> discovered in developing concrete applications.  Which is why, 
> I guess, standard libraries often feel uhm... Inadequate, as 
> they have been conjured from ideas that appeared elegant on 
> paper.  But those ideas often turn into idiomatic religion... 
> STL code tend to be clumsy for instance... Writing your own 
> libs for C++ leads to much better looking code. At some 
> point... Create your own idioms. Life is too short.

So here are plenty of examples using Go in WASM with a 2D games 

Enough juice to do Flash style games.

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