D mentioned on Rust discussions site

Just Another D Programmer ja at d.p
Wed May 20 18:32:54 UTC 2020

On Wednesday, 20 May 2020 at 17:49:49 UTC, Chris wrote:
> "I also don't want to be deleting negative posts just because 
> they're negative. Then we get into the business of deleting 
> replies that quote them, and maybe even losing some actual 
> useful signal in all the noise."
> Here's the full statement: 
> https://forum.dlang.org/post/vqfhwstyyozrsxegquxe@forum.dlang.org
> If it wasn't you, Mike, who took down my answer, please remind 
> that person of your statement on Forum Moderation.
> Anyway, as soon as people have to revert to censorship (it's 
> not the first time here either) they have something to hide. 
> Greatness speaks for itself.

I didn't catch the entirety of your reply, but I am able to read 
what Russel quoted. From those excerpts, I think the negativity 
wasn't the issue but your superfluously rude phrasing--something 
with which you seemingly have an issue. This is, of course, 
merely my opinion, and Mike can speak for himself.

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