[OT] What are D's values?
Paul Backus
snarwin at gmail.com
Mon Oct 4 13:23:40 UTC 2021
In ["Rust and Other Interesting Things"][1], Bryan Cantrill talks
about the importance of a programming language's *values*.
Values, he says, are the things a language *prioritizes*--the
things it chooses when difficult tradeoffs have to be made. For
example: everyone agrees that both "safety" and "performance" are
valuable, but when forced to choose, some languages (Java,
Python) are willing to trade away some performance for additional
safety, whereas others (C, C++) would rather give up safety to
gain performance.
When we're choosing a programming language, Cantrill tells us,
choosing one with the right *values* is just as important as
choosing one with the right *features* and *ecosystem*--because
values are what determine how those features and ecosystem will
develop over time.
One slide in his presentation contains a list of things that a
programming language might value:
Approachability Integrity Robustness
Availability Maintainability Safety
Compatibility Measurability Security
Composability Operability Simplicity
Debuggability Performance Stability
Expressiveness Portability Thoroughness
Extensibility Resiliency Transparency
Interoperability Rigor Velocity
I thought it might be fun to ask the D community: **which of the
above values do you think are the most important to D? Choose no
more than 5, and reply with your answer!**
I've put my answer below, encoded using [ROT13][2]. Try to come
up with your own answer before you read mine, to avoid biasing
[1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wZ1pCpJUIM
[2]: https://rot13.com/
V guvax Q'f svir zbfg vzcbegnag inyhrf ner
* Nccebnpunovyvgl - obgu Q'f flagnk naq ynathntr srngherf ner
qrfvtarq gb or snzvyvne gb hfref bs bgure cbchyne ynathntrf
(r.t., P, Wnin, Clguba, Wninfpevcg). gbhe.qynat.bet zragvbaf n
"tenqhny yrneavat pheir" nf na rkcyvpvg qrfvta tbny.
* Rkcerffvirarff - jvgu srngherf yvxr grzcyngrf, zvkvaf, naq
bcrengbe bireybnqvat (vapyhqvat bcQvfcngpu), Q vf bar bs gur
zbfg rkcerffvir ynathntrf guvf fvqr bs Yvfc.
* Fnsrgl - abg whfg @fnsr, ohg nyfb qrsnhyg vavgvnyvmngvba bs
inevnoyrf, obhaqf-purpxvat sbe neenlf, rkprcgvbaf sbe reebe
unaqyvat, naq ybgf bs bgure yvggyr qrpvfvbaf.
* Cresbeznapr - angvir pbzcvyngvba, bs pbhefr, cyhf ybj-yriry
srngherf yvxr enj cbvagref, vayvar nfz, naq ohvyg-va FVZQ
* Vagrebcrenovyvgl - abg bayl qbrf Q unir orfg-va-pynff P
vagrebc, naq gur qvfgvapgvba bs orvat bar bs gur bayl ynathntrf
gb rira *nggrzcg* P++ vagrebc, vg nyfb unf fhccbeg sbe
Bowrpgvir-P pynffrf naq PBZ vagresnprf.
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