[OT] What are D's values?
d.forum at webfreak.org
Mon Oct 4 14:12:32 UTC 2021
On Monday, 4 October 2021 at 13:23:40 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
> [...]
> I thought it might be fun to ask the D community: **which of
> the above values do you think are the most important to D?
> Choose no more than 5, and reply with your answer!**
> I've put my answer below, encoded using [ROT13][2]. Try to come
> up with your own answer before you read mine, to avoid biasing
> yourself.
> [...]
I have thought about it and think (ROT13):
1. Vagrebcrenovyvgl - Q chgf znwbe rssbeg vagb orvat pbzcngvoyr
jvgu bgure ynathntrf naq rkvfgvat P pbqr
2. Fnsrgl - vg unf n ybg bs sbphf ba fnsrgl ol pbeerpgarff
3. Irybpvgl - orvat cebqhpgvir naq pbqvat pbqr snfgre vf n ovt
cneg bs Q'f punez
4. Rkcerffvirarff - Q pbqr pna ryrtnagyl ercerfrag n ybg bs
ceboyrzf va fubeg, rnfl-gb-ernq pbqr
5. Cresbeznapr - Qrfvta bs fghss yvxr enatrf naq znal fgqyvo
hgvyf srryf yvxr gurl ner rfcrpvnyyl znqr sbe trarengvat cresrpg
pbqr yvxr vg'f unaqjevggra naq jvgu gung tbbq cresbeznapr
V unq lbhe svefg cbvag nf zl 6gu pubvpr, ohg qvqa'g guvax vg jnf
gung ovt bs n qrfvta tbny, orpnhfr vg'f whfg nobhg snzvyvnevgl
naq abg nobhg nccebnpunovyvgl sbe arjpbzref ernyyl.
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