Lesson #100 in DLang YouTube playlist is coming -- Want to contribute what goes in?

Basile B. b2.temp at gmx.com
Wed Jun 5 22:59:42 UTC 2024

On Wednesday, 5 June 2024 at 14:37:41 UTC, Mike Shah wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> My D language playlist on YouTube has just hit 100 episodes 
> (including a guest lecture from Ali and two shorts) -- hurray! 
> However, I think an 'official' 100th episode with some more 
> production is in order (Currently we're on lesson #97).
> I was hoping to center this lesson around some community 
> feedback answering (any or all of the following):
> 1. What's your favorite feature of DLang?

opDispatch. Such a cool feature. You can read a json using
the D syntax. You can implement optional access. You can
program many cool things with opDispatch.

> 2. Why did you choose the D programming language or what first 
> drew you in?

With a Delphi background I was always a bit reluctant toward C or 
I considered Java like a bit too "professional-oriented" but also 
the fact that it was interpreted was a big no-no.

When I've discovered D it was like "yes it's the one with a C 

> 3. One cool D Language trick/idiom you'd like to share.

use UDA and template meta-programing

> 4. Why you're excited about the future of DLang

I'm not excited. The great joys recently were about new 
operators, which will never be impelmented in D. However I 
appreciate how templates allow alternatives, i.e as a kind of 
generic solution.

> 5. A cool article/resource/favorite DConf talk/blog you'd like 
> to share

Nothing here. I think that the Berlin Panel was over the top 
Probably the venue played a role too. It was so cool. I remember 
Meyer's saying
"no disrecpect guys, but what your are doing will never work" 

> 6. A cool project you'd like to share (e-mail me images and 
> short video clips if you like!)

Yes, my hobby project was written in D, until boostrapped. See

> 7. Something else?

IA sucks. The earth is not a sphere, it's a potatoid.

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