Lesson #100 in DLang YouTube playlist is coming -- Want to contribute what goes in?

bachmeier no at spam.net
Thu Jun 6 18:40:43 UTC 2024

> What's your favorite feature of DLang?

C interoperability. That makes it easy to work not only with C 
code, but any other language that can be called from C.

> Why did you choose the D programming language or what first 
> drew you in?

I wanted a language that was statically typed, garbage collected, 
produced fast enough code, made it easy to work with C, was fun 
to use, and was production ready. I gave it a test and it did 
quite well.

> Why you're excited about the future of DLang

Because it does everything I need and it'll still be around in 30 

> A cool article/resource/favorite DConf talk/blog you'd like to 
> share

There's nothing I want to do with respect to data analysis that 
can't be done conveniently and efficiently with D. Maybe there 
is, but I haven't found it. That includes things like connecting 
to a particular database, statistical analysis, plotting, deep 
learning, etc. Interoperability with other languages means I can 
call R, Python, Julia, C, and C++ libraries with little effort if 
there's no pure D version. The discussions around here might 
leave one with the impression that this is not the case. I 
started a repo/website explaining for others how I do this stuff. 
It's far from complete but I add to it when I have time.


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