How to find like-minded people and join trending projects?

monkyyy crazymonkyyy at
Sun Sep 1 16:28:08 UTC 2024

On Sunday, 1 September 2024 at 16:05:49 UTC, Kapendev wrote:
> Most of the projects I'm familiar with are game engines, which 
> naturally aren't designed to be combined. Working on smaller 
> utility libraries could address this issue, and there are 
> already some, like dtiled.
> Now, when it comes to raylib projects, what other possibilities 
> are there?
> * Bindings: [raylib-d](
> * Wrapper: 
> [raylib_misc](
> * Extension: [fluid](
> Bindings that support WebAssembly are also an option I guess:
> * [Your Project](
> * [Part of My 
> Project](

I dont believe most of d's issues can be fixed with technical 
solutions; political issues can and do exist. Ive heard this 
debate called a "theory of history"; ; and Im not of 
silicone valley stock.

Games are hard, and I'm **extremely** unlikely to finish (a real) 
one alone, yet I find myself unconvincing to ask for help or 
willing to join someone elses as the 2nd person. Even if my code 
is the best`est api, where I use compiler bugs others barely 
understand to write in a wasm debugger into my game api, making 
large scale wasm games presumably possible, Im quite certain >70% 
of the game devs floating in d (and presumably in the same 
situation Im in) will simply do not care due to style differences.

D collects people willing and to some degree able to go alone, 
theres not many people thinking about politics, much less, good 
at politics; and herding cats is a hard political problem.

So... crystallization sites, where is the most probable group of 
5 people to seed credible attempts at large scale game dev in d?

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