[Dlang-internal] DIP1000 discussion and testing

Dicebot via Dlang-internal dlang-internal at puremagic.com
Sat Oct 22 16:22:50 PDT 2016

Ok, so I am revisiting DIP1000 right now based on recent comments from
Walter. One thing remains unclear to me though, consider this example in
DIP1000 document:

@safe struct RefCountedSlice(T) {
	private T[] payload;

	// ...

        // interesting fact #2: references to internals can be given away
	scope ref T opIndex(size_t i) {
		return payload[i];

It looks like with current semantics this statement is very wrong.
Assuming that you have meant `scope return` instead (because plain scope
does nothing for `this` reference) Right now it does not matter how
`opIndex` is annotated if variable holding `RefCountedSlice` itself is
not annotated/deduced as scope:

@safe struct S
    // RefCountedSlice code reduced to bare minimum

    private int* payload;

    this (int) {
        this.payload = new int;

    @trusted ~this () {
        delete this.payload;

    int* get () scope return {
        return this.payload;

int* global;

@safe unittest
    scope s = S(42);
    global = s.get(); // Error: scope variable s assigned to global with
longer lifetime

@safe unittest
    auto s = S(42);
    global = s.get(); // compiles, oops

And indeed, with your explanations it seems to work as intended - `scope
return` annotation is simply forwarding lifetime of `S.payload` to
return value, which happens to be infinity by lifetime rules (GC
allocation). But that means that statement saying destructor can be
@trusted is wrong.

Walter, would you mind showing reference counted example that actually
works under your implementation?

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