[Dlang-internal] [Documentation] Add copyable text "import ..." under title

Andrey saasecondbox at yandex.ru
Sat Feb 8 12:00:03 UTC 2020

I have an idea. Let's add on all pages in documentation that 
describe some importable entity (function, class, template...) in 
place under the title a special <p></p> field with text: "import 
..." and a button "Copy to clipboard" near that copies that text.

For example let's take the page 
"https://dlang.org/library/std/uni/is_upper.html" for function 
Under the title "Function std.uni.isUpper" we add <p></p> field 
with text:
> import std.uni : isUpper;
and a button.
User will press that button, copy import instruction and after 
that can paste it in his code.

I think this enchancement will be useful.
Imagine that you search in docs for some function/class/template 
etc. To use it you must import it your code. What you will do? - 
copy text in title "std.uni.isUpper". Then you will write word 
"import" with space and paste in code, then remove last dot and 
write " : ". Finally will write semicolon.

Press one button and after CTRL+V is better and faster from my 
point of view.

What do you think?

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