[dmd-beta] dmd 1.063 and 2.048 beta

David Simcha dsimcha at gmail.com
Tue Aug 10 17:12:40 PDT 2010

Still no go:

import std.algorithm;

void main() {
     auto arr = [1,2,3,4,5];
     auto m = map!"a + 1"(filter!"a < 4"(arr));

d:\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\phobos\std\algorithm.d(776): Error: 
function std.algorithm.Map!(result,Filter).Map.save cannot get frame 
pointer to filter

This one is fixable, though, by simply making the Filter struct static 
(which it probably should be anyhow, since it doesn't need access to the 
filter() function scope as far as I can tell).  Someone who's more sure 
that this fix is reasonable please either commit it or confirm that it's 
a good fix so I can.

Also, I just want to point out how I'm finding these issues so others 
can do the same in parallel.  I don't have any fancy test suites or 
anything.  All I'm trying to do is compile and unittest a few libraries 
that I wrote and know the code to inside out.  I know these work on 
2.047, so if they don't work on 2.048 and it's not a documented breaking 
change, then it's a regression.  Because I wrote them and know the code 
well, it's relatively easy to figure out where the root cause of any 
problems is.  I think most people on the beta list are the main author 
of a library or two.  If so, they should probably do the same with their 

On 8/10/2010 7:11 PM, Walter Bright wrote:
> New beta. Fixes OSX bug and filter bug.
> Walter Bright wrote:
>> http://ftp.digitalmars.com/dmd2beta.zip
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