[dmd-beta] dmd 1.063 and 2.048 beta

Walter Bright walter at digitalmars.com
Tue Aug 10 17:40:41 PDT 2010

David Simcha wrote:
> Still no go:
> import std.algorithm;
> void main() {
>     auto arr = [1,2,3,4,5];
>     auto m = map!"a + 1"(filter!"a < 4"(arr));
> }
> d:\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\phobos\std\algorithm.d(776): Error: 
> function std.algorithm.Map!(result,Filter).Map.save cannot get frame 
> pointer to filter
> This one is fixable, though, by simply making the Filter struct static 
> (which it probably should be anyhow, since it doesn't need access to 
> the filter() function scope as far as I can tell).  Someone who's more 
> sure that this fix is reasonable please either commit it or confirm 
> that it's a good fix so I can.

Making it static won't work at all. The unit tests fail miserably.

> Also, I just want to point out how I'm finding these issues so others 
> can do the same in parallel.  I don't have any fancy test suites or 
> anything.  All I'm trying to do is compile and unittest a few 
> libraries that I wrote and know the code to inside out.  I know these 
> work on 2.047, so if they don't work on 2.048 and it's not a 
> documented breaking change, then it's a regression.  Because I wrote 
> them and know the code well, it's relatively easy to figure out where 
> the root cause of any problems is.  I think most people on the beta 
> list are the main author of a library or two.  If so, they should 
> probably do the same with their libraries.
> On 8/10/2010 7:11 PM, Walter Bright wrote:
>> New beta. Fixes OSX bug and filter bug.
>> Walter Bright wrote:
>>> http://ftp.digitalmars.com/dmd2beta.zip
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