[dmd-beta] new beta

Andrei Alexandrescu andrei at erdani.com
Mon Jan 25 17:17:18 PST 2010

Fails Phobos unittest on Linux. To reproduce, cd to your Phobos 
directory and invoke:

make -f linux.mak posix/debug/unittest

Testing fails at std.stdio with:

object.Exception: std/stdio.d(740): Attempting to call getFP() on an 
unopened file
make: *** [obj/posix/debug/unittest/std/stdio] Error 1

This is because the module constructor never gets called.


Walter Bright wrote:
> The latest patches affect both dmd and druntime, and both need to be 
> there so it'll work, so here's a new baseline.
> You can download the software as a zip file from:
> http://download.digitalmars.com/dmd1beta.zip
> userid: customer
> passwd: download7
> http://download.digitalmars.com/dmd2beta.zip
> userid: customer
> passwd: download7
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