[dmd-beta] D2 2.058 beta

Sönke Ludwig ludwig at informatik.uni-luebeck.de
Thu Feb 9 06:24:13 PST 2012

>> From: Sönke Ludwig <ludwig at informatik.uni-luebeck.de>
>>Am 09.02.2012 09:16, schrieb Walter Bright:
>>> http://ftp.digitalmars.com/dmd2beta.zip
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>>The deprecation of base class protection seems to have overshot its goal
>> a bit - implemented _interfaces_ are now also not allowed to be prefixed
>> with a protection attribute, although this can make perfect sense.
> Right, an interface is a public desription of what a class can do.  I
> can't see any valid use case for private or protected interfaces.
> -Steve
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> dmd-beta at puremagic.com
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Artificial example (I have a different use case, but the pronciple is

interface ILinkedListItem {
  LinkedListItem next();
  void next(LinkedListItem v);

LinkedList objectStore;

class C : protected ILinkedListItem {

  protected LinkedListItem next() {...}
  protected void next(LinkedListItem v) {...}

So the intent is that you don't have access to these methods from the
outside, but that C can still implement the interface to pass it only to
certain receivers (the objectStore list in this case).

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