[ENet-discuss] fps networking

Martin Sherburn spacedude at konggame.co.uk
Thu Mar 20 03:38:56 PDT 2008


Thanks for your very detailed description. And I hope you don't feel 
like your time writing it was wasted because of rather rude and 
ungrateful replies.

I think you have just solved my problem for me. For my game 
(www.konggame.co.uk) I have gone down the co-simulation route because I 
think it's the best option (prevents blatant cheating such as 
teleportation while still giving a low-latency feel). But also the most 
difficult to implement :p

I already implemented  most of what you said, except the part where the 
client buffers its input to the server. Because of this, the client and 
server would often get out of sync and lead to laggy feel (constant 
snapping over bad connections). What you said sounds quite consistent 
with what I have observed in the Half-Life engine. I.e. when players 
have lag spikes they stand still for a while then would accelerate back 
into position. And I'd like to acheive the same kind of networking seen 
in the HL engine because I think it's one of the best which IMO has 
contributed a lot to the success of the game counter-strike.

I will get to work on implementing this soon. Just one question, what 
game have you implemented this in? I've seen you mention the game 
Sauerbraten (http://sauerbraten.org/) in the past, does this have the 
co-simulation networking you described?



Lee Salzman wrote:
> FPS is a spectrum of things you can do, more than a set way. The ways, 
> however, are far different from, say, a MMORPG where latency is just 
> usually accepted by players: in a twitch FPS game, latency must be 
> destroyed at all costs - latency is totally evil, no exceptions. But 
> even within the spectrum of FPS networking, each  way comes with its own 
> trade-off. They more or less boil down to the following:
> Trade-off #1: fixed rate physics, or variable rate physics. You need to 
> select a rate at which to run the physics simulation, i.e. 50 Hz, 100 
> Hz, etc. Now if  the rendering FPS is higher than the physics rate,  
> then you will need to interpolate between two physics steps to have the 
> game  not  look all jerky, since if the game is rendering at 100  FPS 
> and physics is only simulated at 50 Hz, your view point is only changing 
> 50 times a second, so half of those 100 FPS are going to waste. If you 
> use variable rate, you still choose a minimum rate at which to run the 
> physics, but if the FPS happens to be higher,  then you run physics at a 
> higher rate. For example, say, you settle on 50 Hz, meaning each physics 
> step is 20 milliseconds. If one frame of rendering took up, say, 102 
> milliseconds, then you would do 5 physics steps, and if doing fixed rate 
> physics, you would bank those 2 leftover milliseconds for "credit" on 
> the next frame. If you are doing variable rate physics, you just go 
> ahead and do an extra time step using those leftover 2 milliseconds 
> immediately. Fixed rate is probably better if you can just afford to run 
> the physics at a high rate these days, and variable rate kinda requires 
> the client to be authoritative on physics simulation.
> Trade-off #2: co-simulation, totally client-side physics, or lock-step 
> simulation.
> - In a lock-step simulation, you would just send player input reliably 
> to the server, the server would simulate physics, and tell the player 
> where everything is at. This is a great evil that should never EVER be 
> used in an FPS game because everything requires a silly round-trip that 
> destroys twitch gameplay on even modest pings. I only mention it because 
> you should NEVER use it. ;)
> - Totally client-side physics. Each client just runs its own physics, 
> and broadcasts its position at a fixed rate to all other clients (either 
> P2P or by sending it through the server which just broadcasts it - the 
> server is just a dumb simple broadcaster in this case), i.e. you send 
> out your position to other clients say 20 times a second as unreliable 
> data. You don't really care if the position gets lost at all, since 
> another one is coming behind it right away. On the receiving end, each 
> client needs to smooth out the positions it is receiving from other 
> clients, since it is much less the rendering FPS. You can do this by 
> either buffering one or two steps worth of positions, and interpolating 
> between them - i.e. you wait till you've gotten at least two position 
> updates from a client, then over some time period (say 50 milliseconds 
> if updates are happening at 20 Hz), you interpolate the position between 
> them. Another approach is to just send necessary physics simulation data 
> (like player velocity), and keep simulating the client locally starting 
> from the last position/velocity update you got. These two things can be 
> combined, for instance just always simulate the player locally from the 
> last time you got an update, however when an update comes in, record the 
> different in between the update and the current position (the "snap"), 
> and instead of applying the snap immediately, smooth it out over the 
> next 50 milliseconds or so. Keep in mind clients are authoritative, so 
> you need to take care of cheating by non-technical means (i.e. player 
> moderator system).
> - Co-simulation. The server and client each run their own corresponding 
> loosely coupled simulations. The client runs on the ASSUMPTION its 
> simulation is always right i.e. when I shoot, the client assumes I hit 
> what I actually did, or if I try to move, the client just moves locally. 
> For EACH client time step the client is sending all the input (i.e. 
> player movement directions and mouse look) to the server, so the server 
> can exactly recreate each time step. This should be done via delta 
> compression of an unreliable packet stream to avoid the cost of reliable 
> packets. First choose a fixed rate, i.e. 20 Hz. Now every time step is 
> numbered, so they form an ever-continuing sequence. So when you send a 
> time step to the server, the server knows the sequence number of the 
> last time step it got. It sends this sequence number back as a periodic 
> ack (unreliable, of course, but best piggy-backed on other 
> server->client updates) so the client knows the last sequence number the 
> server received (or at least some sequence number less than that in case 
> the ack gets lost in transit). Every time the client sends an update to 
> the server, it sends all time steps starting at the last sequence number 
> the server verified receiving (via that ack the server sent to the 
> client), up to the most current time step.  So the client must buffer 
> all time steps it is sending to the server, until it has verified the 
> server has received them, and is basically just sending this buffer at a 
> fixed rate (again i.e. 20 Hz) to the server, removing stuff from the 
> front of the buffer as it gets verification the server actually got it. 
> If this buffer grows unreasonably large (i.e. some threshold like a few 
> KB or more where sending it 20 times a second until the server gets it 
> becomes stupidity), you can just "bail out" at the cost of a possible 
> round-trip timeout stall by sending the client->server update as a 
> reliable packet, and just clearing the buffer (since you know the update 
> will get there). You just don't want to use the bail out option on every 
> packet, since you want to avoid the latency of reliable traffic at all 
> costs. Smart encoding of a time step with a simple run-length scheme and 
> you can get the average size of a time step in transit down to only a 
> few bits since you may only have one of 8 compass directions, 2D mouse 
> coords, and maybe some boolean modifiers like jump/crouch, and certain 
> aspects like the direction don't change very fast. Various events like 
> shooting , picking up items, etc. should be properly sequenced into this 
> same stream as well (but encoded via some exceptional means/special 
> prefix since they are uncommon). You just put these in a server-side 
> queue for each player, which the server dequeues and runs for each 
> player at each of its time steps. If it doesn't have any time step info 
> for a client at a particular server time-step, you can either keep the 
> client moving in whichever direction he was going, or just have him 
> stand there - whatever seems most reasonable, but you give the client a 
> "credit" for that time step, so that when more time steps come in over 
> the net, you apply them immediately so long as the client has credits.
> Now the tricky part. The server then runs its simulation at whatever 
> fixed rate you decided along with the client. The server must then send 
> out server->client updates on positions/velocities of other clients in 
> the world. You can do this by jumping through hoops to do the whole 
> delta compression of each other client's input stream to get it from the 
> server->client, but this just becomes stupidly complex and hoggish of 
> bandwidth (call that Trade-off #3). You are better off just sending out 
> the updates from server->client much as you would in the "totally 
> client-side" case, i.e. just a simple unreliable update containing the 
> positions/velocities of everything, again at some fixed rate like 20 Hz. 
> If the update gets lost in transit, you don't care since another one is 
> coming soon. However, you want to tag each of these server->client 
> updates with a sequence number. So when the client gets an update, it 
> knows the sequence number of the last one it got. The client just 
> locally moves the physics ahead using its own fixed rate simulation 
> (that hopefully works in the same way as the server's, unless the client 
> is cheating by modifying it). Now when the client interacts with an 
> object, i.e. aims at it and shoots it, it can tell the server ("Okay, I 
> shot player Bob, who was at the position stated in server->client update 
> #42, from 60 milliseconds had elapsed since that updated, so I had moved 
> Bob ahead locally 3 time steps from that position.") The server must 
> buffer the results of each time step of its simulation up to a 
> reasonable amount of time (say 1 second). So when the server receives 
> your shot request, it looks in its buffer for physics update #42 (or if 
> this is a time step > 1 second old, just takes the oldest from the 
> buffer instead), find Bob's position in this buffered physics update, 
> predicts him ahead 60 milliseconds/3 time steps in the SAME EXACT WAY 
> the client would have had it got no more updates during those 60 
> milliseconds, and then applies your shot to Bob at that position. If you 
> are quantizing/truncating numbers to send them from server->client in 
> the updates, you must simulate this on the server when pulling Bob's 
> position out of the update as well. This way aiming/shooting is 
> completely WYSIWYG, no disgusting having-to-lead-your-shots-ahead type 
> of gameplay like in various Quakes.
> Now there can be some small round-off differences from processor to 
> processor, so the simulation between the client and server may drift 
> over time. So every  so often the client must either send  what position 
> it is at, or the server sends what position it has the client at to the 
> client. In either case, you check if they differ by a substantial 
> amount, and if so the server sends all the raw/unquantized physics info 
> needed to the client for them to sync back up (causing an ugly snap, of 
> which the only sane way to hide is interpolation). If you can manage to 
> implement the physics entirely without floating point such that there 
> will never be any drift and hence no snaps, go for that instead (but 
> seems largely impossible in this day and age with more complicated physics).
> Hopefully this all adequately confuses you. :)
> Lee
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