[ENet-discuss] ENet performance with big packets (~1MB) is very poor, am I missing something?

Lee Salzman lsalzman1 at cox.net
Wed Apr 22 19:00:50 PDT 2009

To say that is total and utter abuse of ENet would be an understatement. :)


Taneli Rautio wrote:
> Hi,
> I've implemented a system which sends webcam frames from a client to a 
> server over TCP (Boost.asio library). I decided to give performance 
> boost to my application by changing the protocol to UDP with ENet. 
> However, my application is very slow with ENet: the server receives 
> about a frame per second although I am sending about 15-20 packets per 
> second. Since my TCP implementation runs almost in real time, I'd like 
> to know if I am missing something with ENet or is the UDP just a wrong 
> protocol to send big packets?
> The client and the server code is basically copy&paste from the ENet 
> tutorial, and the client and the server both run in their own threads 
> so other things (i.e. showing the image on the screen) is not causing 
> this. So far I've done only testing with localhost so the network 
> speed is not an issue here either. The packets (frames) are quite big, 
> a little over 900000 bytes.
> -Taneli

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