[ENet-discuss] Problem with fragmentation and reassembly of bigenet packets

RAULO-KUMAGAI Emmanuel IT&L@bs emmanuel.raulo at orange-ftgroup.com
Thu Apr 29 00:45:14 PDT 2010

Thanks for your replies!

Ruud van Gaal a écrit :
> Especially with packets >2Kb, as UDP only allows packets upto around 
> 1,5Kb. After that, Enet starts splitting them up and rejoining them at 
> the client (receiving) end, so it's important to keep calling 
> enet_host_service().
I also thought at first that the MTU could be the issue but 2KB packets 
work OK, which made me think the problem was not there.

>     *Van:* enet-discuss-bounces at cubik.org
>     [mailto:enet-discuss-bounces at cubik.org] *Namens *Nuno Silva
>     **
>     Even if Client-Only you should call enet_host_service, since it
>     takes care of transferring packets back and forth. Check if that
>     helps.
Now if enet_host_service() must be called on the sending side, this 
means I better produce data and send it in separate threads, right?
Do you have suggestions on how to minimize the latency of packets then?
I mean, if the thread actually sending data is inside 
enet_host_service(), how do I get it to return from that function and 
send the next packet as soon as it is available?

Thank you for your support,


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