[ENet-discuss] ENet 2.0 most wanted features?

Syed Setia Pernama syedhs at yahoo.com
Wed May 1 07:24:04 PDT 2013

Yes totally agree with this.. 
And also all kind of useful articles or postings in this mailing list.
Currently, you have to search for it..

 From: progmars <progmars at gmail.com>
To: enet-discuss at cubik.org 
Sent: Wednesday, May 1, 2013 7:19 PM
Subject: Re: [ENet-discuss] ENet 2.0 most wanted features?

I would like Enet to focus on extensibility and versatility.

Obviously, many of the requested features (streaming, NAT punchthrough, 
packet loss and network lag simulation) do not belong to the Enet core, 
but instead we could ask the question: does Enet provide everything to 
implement all of those features in a clean way? If not, then Enet should 
be modified to provide more extension points and necessary 
infrastructure to support most of the typical usage scenarios mentioned 
in this thread.

It would also be nice to have a repository or a Wiki with "official" 
approved Enet extensions (and glue code for integration with other 
popular 3rd party libraries) for doing typical things the right way, so 
"Enet newbies" (like me) could avoid hacky, quick&dirty solutions and 
instead go for stable and well tested extensions.

Martin Sall

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