[Greylist-users] Whitelists not working?

Brent Meshier brent at meshier.com
Wed Nov 19 18:07:01 PST 2003

I've tried manually white listing relay IPs without success.  I'm
running relaydelay-0.04 with Sendmail & MySQL.  In the relaytofrom table
I add an entry with my white listed relay_ip and the maximum date for
record_expires.  Somehow email from that IP is still being delayed.
This is a major problem because the server that I'm trying to white list
sends mail directly, without a mail server.  So the mail is being lost!
Also, when email is whitelisted, are new entries suppose to be created
in the relaytofrom table?  The field passed_count never increments for
the manual white lists, is this appropriate?

Brent Meshier
Global Transport Logistics, Inc.
2770 Fortune Circle Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46241
(317) 481-0527 x23 Direct
(317) 481-0177 Fax
"Innovative Fulfillment Solutions"

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