[Greylist-users] Whitelists not working?

James J Dempsey jjd at jjd.com
Thu Nov 20 06:24:36 PST 2003

> I've tried manually white listing relay IPs without success.  I'm
> running relaydelay-0.04 with Sendmail & MySQL.  In the relaytofrom table
> I add an entry with my white listed relay_ip and the maximum date for
> record_expires.

I know nothing of using MySQL, but I was able to manually whitelist relays
using the examples in the supplied mysql.sql file.

Here is the example from that file in case you missed it:

# Example wildcard whitelists for subnets
#INSERT INTO relaytofrom (relay_ip, record_expires, create_time) VALUES ('192.168', '9999-12-31 23:59:59', NOW());

                       --Jim Dempsey--
                         jjd at jjd.com

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